Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of MFBM - The 3rd Inter-school Primary Music invitation Competiton

Date: 11/01/2021

Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School of MFBM - The 3rd Inter-school Primary Music invitation CompetitonOur school has achieved the following prize: Silver prize (x5), Bronze prize (x3) and 1 Merit. Awarded students are listed below:

2E14梁偲言 Leung Sze Yin (Harp) Silver prize
3D22潘星潼 Pan Sing Tung (Piano) Bronze prize
3E20潘韵而 Pan Yolanda (Piano) Bronze prize
5B13劉錦翔 Liu Kevin (Violin) Merit
5B16王藝菲 Wang Yifei Amy (Vocal) Silver prize
5B24張玥岳 Zhang Yue Yue (Vocal) Bronze prize
6A17潘毓兒 Pan Yuk Yi (Piano) Silver prize
6B11胡康 Hu William (Cello) Silver prize
6B12黃薺趣 Huang Tsai Tsui (Violin) Silver prize    

Leung Sze Yin (Harp)

Fly me to the Moon

Wang Yifei Amy (Vocal)

Love you

Pan Yuk Yi (Piano)

Gypsy Rondo

Hu William (Cello)

First Concerto by John Gottman

Huang Tsai Tsui (violin)

Night of Confession

