Arts Education - Introduction
The school Arts curriculum so as to provide an all-round education for their students. Arts education is one of the five essential areas in the overall aim of education set out by the Education Commission: "To enable every person to attain all-round development in the domains of ethics, intellect, physique, social skills and aesthetics according to his/her own attributes so that he/she is capable of life-long learning, critical and exploratory thinking, innovating and adapting to change."
Arts Education
23/08/2024 聯校音樂大賽2023
23/08/2024 元朗大會堂舉辦之全港兒童歌唱比賽2023
23/08/2024 第十屆香港青少年盃國際音樂比賽
11/12/2023 妙法寺劉金龍中學第六屆小學音樂邀請賽 2023
08/11/2023 琚分音樂家
28/06/2023 豎琴校隊演出
28/06/2023 敲響樂校隊演出
10/12/2022 「我係美樂主持」工作坊
05/12/2022 琚分音樂家
10/11/2022 音樂欣賞
11/05/2022 戲劇表演
02/12/2021 Madam Lau Kam Lung Secondary School - 4t...
26/11/2021 Visuals Arts Activity Hightlights
28/10/2021 欣賞互動劇場
27/10/2021 欣賞管風琴導賞音樂會
28/09/2021 歌劇表演
15/07/2021 28/6-8/7 藝術雙週
15/06/2021 Jockey Club Opera Hong Kong Young Artist...
29/05/2021 Saturday Percussion Class
20/05/2021 Arts Education - Watching Hong Kong Ball...
30/04/2021 The school participated in 2019/20 Schoo...
26/04/2021 Saturday Guzheng Class
26/04/2021 Saturday String Class
26/04/2021 Saturday Handchime Class
19/04/2021 Creative Arts
17/04/2021 Saturday Harp Class
15/04/2021 HKJC Chinese Music 360 Guided Profession...
14/04/2021 Dream! Let's go!
30/03/2021 The “Music for the Millions" Song
24/03/2021 Watching "Brothers of War" at School
23/03/2021 Glockenspiel Class
23/03/2021 Online Singing Class
24/07/2020 Arts Day During the Pandemic
01/12/2018 Art & Talent Show
30/10/2018 Wind Concert The Stories of the ‘Wind’